Re-Grow Roots

Learning to live harmoniously in Missouri.

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You are the best!!

The Celebration Headband

The Celebration Headband

Happy New Year everyone!!! Today is a fabulous day! I feel great, empowered, happy, and I feel certain that this year will be full of amazing successes! You are all beautiful and amazing people and you are the BEST at being YOU!

This will be a year of mobilization for me. To mobilize is to set forth into action and get things done.. I’m going to get shit done every day this year!! First and foremost, I feel like THE most important thing to do is take care of myself. When I’m healthy and happy, then I’m way more capable of taking care of other people, my business, and I just feel awesome! So let’s all make it a goal to take really good care of ourselves!

I have made lots of really huge goals for the year that I will work on throughout time. They are goals, not resolutions because to me resolutions seem a little too resolute. (unchanging) The world is always changing, growing, evolving.. and so do my ambitions and desires, so they are goals. But instead of just having these super huge, daunting goals… I also started making a list of THREE things to get done every day! In the morning when I wake up, I meditate on the three things I feel are most important to finish during the day. Three tasks are totally achievable and I’ve been doing a great job with it! You can do it too! It’s a fantastic way to feel good about yourself!

Don’t say NO, say YES!!

Instead of saying “stop eating sugar” or “no more caffeine”, try to INVITE good habits into your life! Whenever I tell myself to STOP doing this or that, it’s an invitation to failure, because I will always end up caving in and eating those cookies and ice cream.. and then I feel like I did something wrong! Instead of doing all that, I say “I will eat greens every day!” and I do it because it makes me feel super good and I just love the taste! That way even if I do indulge in a sugary snack, the bulk of my diet has been good, nourishing, wholesome foods. So I have less craving for the sugars and I feel great! Don’t beat yourself up! Give yourself a pep talk because YOU ARE WONDERFUL! You are the only you there is and you are darn good at being you! You are beautiful, powerful, and amazing! Go forth and share your gifts with the world!!!

Side note // I was featured in an awesome blog that I love this morning called blart! There is a really great interview about my small business with lots of cool photos of my stuff! Check it out if you love me!! 🙂


Let’s Change the World in 2013

ImageFor the past few years of my life I have had the gift of travelling to many different states and meeting some totally super amazing people! It is eye opening to stay at farms across the country that are taking their life and their livelihood into their own hands in a way that is totally respectful and harmonious with Mother Earth. The world is changing! People are lighting up from the inside out and truly considering the power of their thoughts and actions in their world! It’s a beautiful thing.

The New Year is a ritual for many, a celebration of life lessons, growth, and a chance to make things even better in the coming year. To celebrate, over the past week I have been working on a 2013 Incredible Life and Business Workbook. I rejoice in the lessons I have learned this year, the new skills that I have been taught, the beautiful experiences I have had… and I dream a BIG DREAM of the year to come. A year of greatness and gratitude, a year of respect and fulfillment, a year of being the best I can be and treating my world with perfect harmony!

Peace & Harmony

Peace & Harmony

A list of wonderful things I will achieve this year –

  • I will do yoga for at least 15 minutes a day.
  • Practice meditation
  • Finish school and become a certified Doctor of Naturopathy!
  • Eat greens and a fermented food daily.
  • Grow a beautiful community garden.
  • Mobilize the local food movement in Branson & Springfield
  • Turn my small business into a money making success, with love and sustainability at it’s core.
  • Drink tea daily.
  • Release judgement.

I feel it is far more powerful to think of what you WILL DO, instead of what you don’t want to do… You are all amazing, beautiful, talented gods and goddesses so go forth into the world and be the best that you can be!!!