Re-Grow Roots

Learning to live harmoniously in Missouri.


Natural Holistic Remedies for Abscess Tooth

What is an abscess tooth?

An abscessed tooth is an infection that can result in swelling. It normally looks like a boil on your gum between your tooth and gum. It is generally caused by a foreign element that gets into a decayed or decaying tooth, but can also be caused by dead cells from your body that get stuck or by a traumatic event like a cracked tooth.

The infection and decay of teeth begins with your diet, not with bacteria like people want you to think. Historically, tribal peoples all over the world suffered from little to no tooth decay. They did not brush their teeth or floss each day, but they ate a very traditional diet that they had been eating for generations. With our modern diets of heavily processed and chemical-filled foods, we have seen a massive rise in tooth decay! So the first step to healing your teeth is to adopt a very traditional diet. There are many amazing books and blogs that you can read to get started on that journey…

An abscessed tooth can be a very serious issue and may lead to a life threatening infection if it is not dealt with immediately. These remedies are meant to be used by generally healthy people who are not suffering from any severe chronic issues. I advise everyone to do what they feel is necessary for their unique body. This may mean seeking a health care professional.

Natural Remedies for Abscessed Tooth


  • Clove Essential Oil – This will help to kill the infection and also relieve any pain that you are feeling. Brush your teeth gently with clove oil, rub it onto your gums, and put it on a tooth pick and stick it into your tooth if there is a hole from a cavity, etc.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – When I didn’t have clove, I used peppermint to help with the pain and it worked like a charm!
  • Oil of Oregano – This is a powerful immune booster, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant. It will help to kill the infection fast and boost your immune system so it can heal up. It is known to be very effective in curing tooth ailments.
  • Oil Pulling – An ancient Ayurvedic healing tradition, oil pulling has been used for many years to remove toxins from the body. I use organic coconut oil to do my oil pulling because it has anti-bacterial and immune boosting properties. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth, through your teeth and gums for 10-30 minutes. Do not swallow it! After at least 10 minutes spit it out and rinse your mouth out.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Use real organic ACV like Bragg’s or something homemade if you have access to it. Swish it around your mouth for a few minutes and spit it out. It will help to disinfect and bring down the swelling.
  • Drain the abscess – If you are going to do this, you must be VERY cautious. First, make sure to completely sterilize your needle and tools with alcohol. Prick a little hole or two in your gum where the boil is. Then release the toxic pus with a Q-tip by pushing on the abscess. Make sure you don’t swallow any of the pus because it does contain toxic infectious bacteria.
  • Raw Garlic – I took a clove of garlic and mashed it a little so the juice would come out and I stuck it right between my gum and lip. This helps to kill the infection and also eases the pain and boosts the immune system.

The Story of My Abscess

I recently suffered from an abscess tooth just a few days ago. It started on Monday when I went on a sugar binge and ate a bag of gummy bears. Some bits got stuck in my decaying tooth and later than night I got a HUGE toothache that would not go away. I started with the peppermint oil and oregano oil immediately. I could barely sleep that night and was putting on oil over and over again. On Tuesday morning I woke up with a huge boil between my gum and tooth so I did an oil pull, used more peppermint and oregano oil. That night my toothache had subsided, but the boil (abscess) was still there. I went for the needle and pricked about 5 holes in my gum. Barely any pus came out… I washed my mouth out with apple cider vinegar and brushed my teeth with lavender oil to calm my nerves a little bit. Then I put on some more oil of oregano. I woke up on Thursday morning (today) with no pain and all the swelling was gone! I had also been feeling a lot of pain and swelling in my lymph node from the infection, but that is almost gone too! I successfully cured my infection!

Update 10.08 – Since I cured the infection and haven’t had any pain since, I decided not to go see a dentist about it. I routinely use oregano oil to brush my teeth and do oil pulling once or twice a week. My gums and teeth are becoming stronger.

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